Thursday, April 10, 2014

“They came to sit and dangle their feet off the edge of the world and after awhile they forgot everything but the good and true things they would do someday. ”

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bay Area Bucket List!

Hi! I stole most of this list from Since I am most likely moving from the bay area soon-ish, I thought I would revise her list and add/change some things. Obviously I will not have enough time or money to do all of these this things but they all sound amazing! So I plan on trying to do as many as possible before I leave!


california academy of sciences ✓
16th Avenue Tiled Steps ✓
walk across the golden gate bridge to sausalito✓
find the full house house ✓
hike lands end out to the sutro baths ✓
clam chowder on the wharf ✓
run the bay bridge ✓
see the boudin sourdough factory + museum ✓
Farmers market at Fort Mason ✓
watch the kites on chrissy field ✓
see a movie at the castro theater✓

Still to do!

try pie shakes
rowboats on stow lake in golden gate park
take the ferry from oakland ---> san francisco
fleet week
nike half marathon
giants half marathon
thai cooking class with sunshine
bay to breakers
sail in the bay
ice skate in union square at christmastime
kiss on top of twin peaks summit
get foccacia at liguria bakery in little italy
run along the embarcadero
try the famous 18 swedish pancakes at sear's restaurant in union square
get bob's donuts in the middle of the night
visit the SF yacht club
dinner at the top of union square
golden gate bakery egg tarts in chinatown
cable car museum
learn about the coit tower murals
tacos in the mission
run the lyon street steps
try every sample at the ferry building
twirl & dip ice cream truck
slide down the seward street slides
go to the san francisco ballet
run in golden gate park
have french toast at mama's
baker beach
ride the st. francis hotel glass elevators to the top in union square
fortune cookie factory in chinatown
see the buffalo in golden gate park
spend a sunny day at dolores park with bi-rite ice cream in hand
giants game
bike to tiburon together
sourdough class at la victoria's
visit ocean beach and the cliff house
alcatraz at night
walt disney museum
visit SF MoMA
picnic at the palace of fine arts
de young museum
go to a show at the cow palace
off the grid SF food truck market
do the barbary coast trail walking tour
see beach blanket babylon
go horseback riding on ocean beach
love locks on the golden gate bridge
yoga on the labyrinth at grace cathedral
go to a 49ers game
yerba buena gardens festival
go to movie night at the top of the mark
ghirardelli chocolate festival
A's game
golden state warriors game
stern grove festival

•• bay area ••

Hike in Tilden park ✓
Jelly Belly Factory✓
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk✓
muir woods ✓
monterey ✓
california state capitol in sacramento ✓
napa//sonoma ✓
russian river ✓
redwoods ✓
hike in the marin headlands ✓
jack london square ✓
drive down the pacific coast highway ✓
lake tahoe in the winter and summer ✓
lake merritt ✓
santa cruz ✓
capitola ✓
cal game ✓

{still to do}

half moon bay pumpkin festival
17 mile drive
dipsea trail
do the famous tech museum
try the famous bay area olallieberry pie
visit the silicon valley tech companies
gold rush towns
foster city canals
downtown sunnyvale & mountain view
winchester mystery house
alameda island
stay over at the pigeon point lighthouse
pick apples at gizdich ranch
los gatos creek trail
take caltrain
stanford game
see the elephant seals in año nuevo state park
treasure island
stay a night at stinson beach
angel island state park
stay at the claremont hotel
tour it's-its ice cream sandwich factory
quiksilver hiking trail
see a concert at shoreline ampitheater
hike mount tamalpais
hike in the stanford "dish"
alameda island sand castle contest
visit el capitan in yosemite
downtown redwood city
emeryville horse races
stay a weekend in mill valley
go to the gilroy garlic festival
eating tour through berkeley's "gourmet ghetto"
farallon islands
point reyes
hot air balloon ride in napa
safari west in santa rosa
sharks hockey game
lake anza and lake temescal {east bay}
treasure island flea market
go ziplining in the santa cruz mountains
hike mt. diablo
see a movie and have dinner doing it at rialto
hike half dome in yosemite
petaluma {see cowgirl creamery}
big basin state park

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello 2014

Inspired by Taylor's post, here are my 14 goals for 2014. While I still have my huge goal list these are more of overarching things I'd like to accomplish this year.

1. Become a real certified teacher-    This encompasses a lot of little goals all in one. 1) Finish my credential- meaning I need to do my final project and pass it! 2) Finish my master's project- Ahhh! 3) Get an actual job! Which means I need to apply for jobs and interview and all of that. And I need to decide where I want to live. (As a side note, I really want to do a "Diary of a First Year Teacher" blog once I start teaching full time)

2. Document my life- I have slowly been slacking on the various ways that I try to document my own life. I stopped blogging, I stopped taking photos, even though I have a great camera, and I haven't been keeping any type of journal. I spent about an hour last night looking back at my blog posts from my freshman year of college, most of which explained moments in my life that I had forgotten about. Also looking at them reminded me that I thought all of those events were huge deals back then, and now they totally aren't which helps me put what's going on today into a little bit of perspective (not everything is a huge deal!!). I want to document my experience more than I did this year, in whichever way seems the best at the time.

3. Volunteer more- about halfway through last year I decided that I wanted to spend at least one day a month spending my time volunteering at something/somewhere. This lasted about two months. I do think that spending 5-7 hours a month helping someone else is a totally realistic goal. So I'm going to try to do that!

4. Get off of Facebook! I read an article a while back talking about how Facebook makes people more depressed. Wow I just googled that and I can't believe how many articles I found. Well here's one of those. I hate Facebook. Well that's not true, and love sharing my life on Facebook, but at least 3 times a week when I sign on I feel either disappointed about my own life or upset by something someone else said. So while I do plan on continuing to share my life and perhaps this blog on Facebook, I vow to spend less time on the damn thing. Really this relates to a bigger goal I have in general, stop comparing my life and myself to others.

5. Travel- I need to go some place new! I'm trying to get up to Tahoe and to either Shasta or Yosemite while I still live in the Bay Area. I want to travel way more, and I've realized that you can travel cheaply if you plan it right. And I want to be a little more adventurous about my travelling. I haven't gone camping, in a tent, for about 10 years.

6. Be fit- I have a bunch of stuff that fits under this goal. I am going to finish the race that I have been preparing for. Even if I end up crawling over the finish line. If you don't know, I'm trying to do the Escape the Rock race, which is a 1.5 mile swim from Alcatraz to SF followed by a 7 mile run. I know I can do it, but I need to get a wet suit and really start getting in the bay once a week, or at least once every two weeks. I bought Cassey's fit journal, found here, it's really cute. I'm going to start recording in it on Monday.

7. Along with being fit, I really need to eat healthier. Like really, I eat so much crap all of the time. It's horrible. (But Oh! So Yummy!) Jenna and I are challenging each other to give up one thing monthly. January is sweets! It's day two and I want some chocolate so baddd! Here's the link to the other things were planning on giving up. We'd like to expand the list for the whole year, so we added alcohol and red meat. Someone suggested trying to add something healthy for a month instead of taking something bad away, like making sure that each day you eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies which we might do too.

I'm only at 7! I'm running out of things! So my goals may get smaller and more specific from here on.

8. Learn how to have small talk with people that I've just met. Or as my aunt said learn how to get information from people. Meaning knowing how to ask good questions and learn about people and then actually remember what they told you. This sounds silly, but it's really hard for me to engage in conversations with people who I've just met. I'm not sure how I'll do this, but hopefully I'll figure it out.

9. Finish projects before starting new ones. I have so much fabric and random materials in my apartment of things I wanted to make or sew. Some of them I bought stuff for and never even started to create something.

10. Oh! Truly embrace the Four Agreements. While I have tried to do this for the last few years, I don't think I've done a good of a job that I could be doing. The four agreements are the following:
Be Impeccable With Your Word
Don't Take Anything Personally
Don't Make Assumptions
Always Do Your Best

These are from Don Miguel Ruiz's book, which I highly recommend anyone read. I want to finish the companion journal this year. And try to apply Ruiz's wisdom to my own difficult situations.

11. Read 24 books- I'm going to steal this one from Taylor, only I want to do 24, 2 for each month. And I'd like at least 5 of them to be educational based (about teaching in some way, or even math I suppose) and 5 of them to be other nonfiction books.

12. Learn more about religion. My aunt bought me a bible last year and I haven't been doing a very good job at reading it. Generally I'd like to know more about what people believe, because I truly am ignorant when it comes to this type of stuff.

13. Be more truthful. I read this article the other day, and it made me realize I tell A LOT of little white lies. It's dumb, I should stop both for my benefit and the benefit of others. Also sometimes I say things and then I think, why did I just say that? Its not even true? Why it pop out of my mouth? I need to be more aware of what I say.

14. Be more aware of what is going on in the world. I am really really bad at knowing what's going on out there, if it ain't big enough to be on Facebook, I don't know about it. And then I pretend to know about it when others are talking about it (Damn lying!) I need to read the news semi-often and even watch some documentaries or something. There's lot of cool things to know about. I watched Blackfish the other day, and I am never going to Sea World ever again, see information is power. Also have you heard of Birdmen? I haven't watched it yet, but it looks crazy!

Yay! That was actually kind of hard, coming up with 14 goals/resolutions for 2014. I hope I can stick to them. I plan on looking back on this a lot to remind myself.

Since Taylor inspired me to do this, hopefully I have inspired someone else!

<3 Looking forward to the year!

Goodbye 2013

Things I’ve accomplished in 2013 that were on my goal list last year:
Learn CPR
Walk for a cause
Raise money for MS research
Put a dollar in the Paris fund every day
Take public transportation more
Get a plant and don’t kill it
Take a self-defense class
Be in New York for New Years (Idk if this counts as this past year or the one before) 
Have a totally different life by this time next year

 While I did more than these things these were the ones that I actually wrote down and did from last year. <3
Life's too short to spend time mad at those who love you.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year

I know I like to make a new blog about every 6 months and then I don't stick to it and fade away and then finally make a new one and start all over, but I do believe that a new year calls for a new start (aka a new blog ha)
I had a pretty crappy emotional year. And I'd like something fresh and new to begin this one off with. So here goes!
Hope whoever happens to read this magical little thing finds some inspiration in it somewhere.
I will try to not use it to vent as I so commonly do.

Lets see how 2014 goes!